
 鈴木時代裂研究所  鈴木 一 染織コレクションルーム / Hajime Suzuki Textile collection



4,Dojyo-cho,Nakagyo-ku,Kyoto City,Kyoto,6040001

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午前十時~午後五時 (要予約、有料です)

お問い合わせ TEL 075-231-2496 もしくは お問合せ まで

鈴木時代裂研究所4F コレクションルーム

『展示にあたって』 鈴木 一

 父・繁太郎が現・東京芸大(大正6年3月卒 図案第一部・号 東陽)に在学中、黒木欽堂先生(香川工芸学校長)の書生をしておりました。その折に、岡田三郎助先生の指導を受けながら、その頃から名物裂や古渡更紗に興味を持ち始めたようです。
時を経た寸片の裂に魅せられて半世紀に余る人生を過ごしてきました。蒐めた裂は 私有に甘んずるものではないと思っています。
これからは、この方寸の裂の魅力や楽しさを知って頂く為や、古文献資料による 調査への協力、門戸を開き後進の染織に 関心のある人の輪を広げたいと思って います。物を見る眼を養うためには、先ず本物を見ることが肝要です。裂の場合は織り方も、 染め方も、作った人の名も、時代も教えてくれません。その裂を見分ける眼を養う お手伝いをするためのコレクションルームを作り、四季に分けて展示することにしま した。suzukihajime

About the Exhibition          Hajime Suzuki

When my father was a student at what is now known as the Tokyo University of the Arts (March 1917) rooming as a student in accommodation provided by Kindo Kuroki (formerly the President of the Kagawa Arts and Crafts Academy) and under the pupelage of Saburosuke Okada, he began his lifelong passion and interest in meibutsu gire (auspicious fabric designs) and kowatari sarasa (dyed cotton designs that first arrived in Japan at the start of the 17th century).
Reproductions of the kowatari sarasa in the possession of the current Tokyo National Museum were combined with the items in my father’s collection to produce the retrospective Indian Sarasa Designs (Kogeisha Publishing, 1922), a rare color publication sold through the Shirokiya Department Store. The foreword was penned by Mori Ogai and Imaizumi Yusaku.
My father died suddenly shortly after the end of World War II, and I took it upon myself to continue his passion and interest in researching these fabrics and patterns. Almost 65 years later I was able to publish my own anthology – Examples of Noted Sarasa Designs (Mitsumura Suiko Publishers, 1985).
I have continued to work at my research into meibutsu gire auspicious fabric designs and I was happy to collate my life’s work in as the editor of a 1990 publication called A Complete Naming Guide to Auspicious Fabric Designs, an appendage to the Kadokawa Encyclopedia of Chado Tea Ceremony. I followed this with a CD-ROM Encyclopedia of Auspicious Fabric Designs in 2007.
I believe I have made some of my father’s dreams come true with my work.
The best way to train one’s eye is to start by observing and appreciating original works. Looking at fabrics without foreknowledge of the type of weave, dyeing, the name of the artisan or the era when it was made. The exhibition at the Collection Room at the Suzuki Research Institute is organized around the four seasons, which makes it easier to classify these works.

 古渡更紗展 (3/1~5/30) Kowatari sarasa
 Kowatari sarasa refers to dyed cotton designed that was imported in Japan  in early 17th century.  This exhibition focuses on KOWATARI SARASA which were beloved by Daimyo , Japanese feudal lord and the masters of tea ceremony who had exquisite taste at that time. The name of SARASA  was rerived moniker from several sources.  In Hindi and JAVANESE, SARASA.  In Malay, SARARAH  In Portuguese SARACA and ZARAZA in Spanish.  The speculation of Etymology of the term is linked to the Indian region, SURAT.
 竹屋町展 (6/1~8/30) TAKEYAMACHI






 Daimyo FURUTA ORIBE invited Chinese craftsman to Kyoto and he made an effort to develop the skill of weaving at the district called Takeyamachi in early 16th century.  Therefore, it was named TAKEYAMACHI SHA.  SHA is the gauze or semi transparent fabric which were embroidered with the gold thread vertical  and dyed weft  horizontal

TAKEYAMACHi is still Kyoto’s East West thoroughfares.




 名物裂展 (9/1~11/29) MEIBUTSU-GIRE

The master of tea ceremony prized tea utensils, tea bowls, etc and stored in the pouches made of rare fabric. Those fabrics are categorized, gold brocade, donsu(kind of rinzu silk) kando(striped design) and zassai( repeated pattern).  The weaving fabric designed  based on Chinese authentic patterns.  At that time, the price of the tea container pouch of the fabric weaved in China, fetch up to current value of 8 million yen.

 珍しい裂展 (12/1~2/27) Rare Dyeing and Weaving





This exhibition is the collection of the fabric of rare design、 featured in dyeing , weaving ,embroidery and shibori(tie-dyeing)

I am looking forward to meet you and discuss about the rare fabrics at the exhibition. I And I hope those rare fabrics will give you sigh and admiration and WONDER.

